Let no one look down on your youthfulness, but rather in speech, conduct, love, faith,
and purity, show yourself an example of those who believe.
1 Timothy 4:12
Youth Discipleship
Our goal is to make disciples who disciple. We hold to the firm truth that Paul states in 1 Timothy 4:12. We believe that discipleship is done through life on life interaction. In the hope of growing strong disciples, we do not want to shield our youth, but rather create them to be the future salt and light of the world. Our prayer for them is John 17:14-19. It is our responsibility as believers to teach, equip, and train our youth in preparation for going out into the world.
Youth Group
Wednesday Nights from 6:00-8:15PM
Game Night
April Will Post Dates Soon!
Youth Game Night
6:00 – 9:00 PM
Come and join us for pizza, fun and a few great rounds of “Murder in the Dark”

Youth Group schedule is to meet Wednesday evenings from 6:00pm-7:30pm. On the first Wednesday of the month, Youth we will join the adults in the sanctuary for “Taste of Grace” (RHC’s infamous potluck) which caries into “Prayer and Worship Night.”
Throughout the year there are many fundraisers for your youth to be a part of to help afford the awesome opportunities and camp Barnabas that we do every summer. The next upcoming fundraiser is December 7th. Please let me know if your youth can participate in this event.
Camp Barnabas
The passed few summers our youth have gone to Camp Barnabas. It is a Road trip to
Misouri where they spend a week caring for another camper who has special needs. Monday through Friday they are this campers Buddy and they experience what it means to be the hands of Christ. It is an experience that has shown to be truly transforming for our youth. And – though it can be quite a difficult week, the reward is found by their campers smiling face and the impact they had on their lives.