Women's Ministry
Throughout the year, various Bible studies are available. It is so important that we know God’s Word and apply it to our lives.
This fall, the men and women will meet together for Pillars of Faith. Back by popular demand – except this time, Pillars of Faith (POA), is taking front row seat with its scheduling by taking the place of when our men’s and women’s bibles studies are normally held. Wednesday evenings at 6PM
Women in Fellowship
The Women’s Ministry at RHC help and support Women in the name of Jesus Christ. We Seek to know, understand and glorify God. We desire to develop and strengthen our personal relationship with Jesus. We hope to emulate Christ by serving each other. We learn from the profits and from the women in the bible by implementing scripture into our own lives.
The Women’s ministry is rooted in prayer. It is led by strong Christian Women with a heart to serve, teach and support other women on their Christian journey.
Pillars of Faith
Wednesdays 6:00pm
(Light dinner at 5:30 PM)
Know what you believe and know WHY you believe it. Come to Pastor Stu’s Systematic Theology Class, then small group discussion.
Women's Brunch
On a Break over the Holidays
This loved ministry will be starting up again in January 2025. It is held the 3rd Saturday of the month from 9:45am- 11:00am. Enjoy fellowship with other women, listen and hear a shared testimony from another woman and her walk with Christ.