Covenant Membership

redemption hills church

Littleton, Colorado

Both of these classes are offered at the church many times throughout the year. Check back soon for the 2025 schedule. 

Next Step Class

This class provides a brief overview of who we are. Led by our elders, deacons, trustees, staff, and ministry leaders, the class orients new attendees to what is covered in our church pamphlet with more detail. We also take you on a tour of Redemption Hills – both physically and philosophically.

Membership Class

Led by our pastors and elders, this class is an overview of RHC’s theological foundations and governing ecclesiology. Upon completion of this class, you will understand what it means to follow Jesus and how to join in the lifeblood of our local church as a covenant member.

Please provide your contact information below. We will get back with you promptly. Thank you for your interest in church membership! Classes are now forming.
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