Rocky Mountain Police and Fire Chaplains

Denver, Colorado




Chaplains are a vital aspect of each and every Emergency Responder agency and are trusted and valued by their respective agencies.

Chaplains’ relationships with officers, firefighters, support staff, and families should be a priority in their daily activities and interactions. Because of the trusted and valued relationships, the Chaplains should be the individuals that are relied upon.

Our Chaplains provide safe and confidential support in both preventative interaction and in the midst of challenging situations and circumstances that will impact every member of the Emergency Responder world.

rocky mountain police and fire chaplains


Rocky Mountain Police and Fire Chaplains come alongside participating chaplains to support and serve them and their agency in the midst of a large crisis incident. This response is specific to Emergency Responder personnel and their families. When a crisis requires more assistance than current chaplain teams can manage, we will be available, upon request, to respond with known and qualified RMPFC-affiliated chaplains.

Emergency Responders are underappreciated and can…Having someone on your team to talk to about this, not as a fellow responder but as a genuine listener.

Having a chaplain drop by the department to be ministry of presence can gently open the door toneeded communication, much-needed support, and knowing they are not alone.

rocky mountain police and fire chaplains

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