Men's Ministry
Who We Are
WE ArE Fathers, Sons, Grandfathers, Husbands, Brothers...
-In Christ
We aim to glorify the triune God by maintaining a God-centered orientation (as opposed to man-centered). The men of RHC live to glorify God, and in so doing study his word, support each other and HIS church.
The Men at RHC
Work Hard, Play Hard and Love Jesus!
Involvement in Events and Activities in the men’s ministry can vary. Opportunities to be a part of something bigger is a realistic expectation of the day to day events scheduled for the men in RHC. Monthly breakfasts, annual Smoke Outs and Days at the Shooting Range just name a few. There is something for everyone on your spiritual journey. Play Golf in a tournament to help raise funds for RHC supported Missions, attend a Study to deepen your knowledge of the bible or Retreat to the mountains….All are exciting ways in which the men like to participate. These events are more than fun, they straighten relationships while growing their maturity in Christ. Learn to memorize scripture to wear the armor of God. Prayer for wisdom and knowledge to know what it is that God would have them do.
Our RHC Men, whether are filling roles as Fathers, Grandfathers, Husbands; sons, Brothers or friends, they are servants and warriors who seek knowledge and truth and strive to become more like Jesus. Men and Women can serve and attend Celebrate Recovery, where they help themselves or their fellow brothers and sisters learn to depend on Jesus alone for their strength, while holding each other accountable. Mission Trips and city outreach, reminds them of their blessings and whom to thank, not forgetting where their strength comes from in resisting day to day sin. Father and Son outings are a new favorite experience, but don’t just take my word for it, you are invited!
Men's Breakfast- IS SATURDAY!
The last Saturday of the Month at 8:00am come and have a great breakfast and hear from one of our own about how God is moving in his life.
Pillars of Faith is now on Wednesdays
5:30PM light meal 6:00PM
Pillars of Faith (POA)
Men and Women’s theology class- Wednesdays at 6PM starting in September! If you want answers to what the Bible says about your faith or a deeper understanding of some problematic questions and theological teachings, join our Systematic Theology class! Childcare is Provided!