Redemption Hills Church, Littleton, Colorado

Redemption Hills Church

Littleton, Colorado

To Know Jesus and Make Him Known...

Welcome to Redemption Hills Church

At Redemption Hills Church in Littleton, Colorado, you will experience the true, divine word of God. We’re dedicated to its accuracy and interpretation through the Holy Spirit. Expository preaching style lead by the Holy Spirit. Join us as we dig deep into God’s word together.



Sunday, October 20th
9:00 & 10:30AM SERVICES


We are still revisiting The Truth Project video series. Class is video and provides time for short discussion afterwards.

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Upcoming Events

Mark your Calendars! Things are Happening at RHC!

Pillars of Faith

Wednesdays 6:00-7:30PM

(Light dinner at 5:30 PM)
 Know what you believe and know WHY you believe it. Come to Pastor Stu’s Systematic Theology Class, then small group discussion.

Youth Group

Wednesdays 6:00-7:30PM

What does it mean to be a disciple for Jesus?

Come to youth group and find out, while having a good time with others and eating pizza! 

Celebrate Recovery

Thursdays 6:30-8:15PM

If you need support in any hurts, habits, and hangups in life, our group is here to help you take the steps you need to heal and depend on God in a deeper way. Childcare is provided!

Moms Group

Contact Link for Details

Do you have a child 10 and under and want to get together with other moms? Have experiences you want to share to help other moms? Contact Carrie Smith for more Details.

New Here?

Get Connected

Children’s Ministry

Sunday School and Child Care
provided as follows: 

9:00AM 1st Service –   Infant through 5th Grade  
10:30AM 2nd Service– Child Care Nursery – 3 years old
(Parents Please Note there is no 2nd Service Sunday School for Pre-School-5th Grade)

Life Groups

Life Groups are a great way to get involved with other believers and to not only strengthen your faith but share in other activities too!

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All Events

There are many opportunities to get connected with the community at RHC. We’d love for you to join us at one of our upcoming events!

See Events


We are looking for visual arts volunteers interested in serving in our communications department. If you are creative and social media, graphic design, or photography sounds like fun, then we are eager to meet with you!

Learn More

Youth Corner




Youth Group




Wednesdays, 6:00-7:30PM 



What does it mean to really know God and be a disciple for Jesus?

Lets see what the bible says!


The Mission Continues...

Please continue to Pray about ways you can help the Thrive Tree Flourish!

Please be in prayer for how you can support RHC’s Thrive! Building Campaign.
Remember there are three ways to consider when giving: Courageously: God-Sized Gift, Consistently: Monthly Pledge and Creatively by thinking “Outside the Box.”

“For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.”

Colossians 1:13-14

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